About "Walking in Jesus' World"
"Walking in Jesus' World"is an educational website meant to foster biblical literacy by engaging visitors through short descriptions, photo galleries, videos, and interactive elements such as games and quizzes. This is the outgrowth of a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) project promoted by Freed-Hardeman University (FHU), and it is intended to be utilized with the course BIB121 Life of Christ.
Thanks go to the following: Drs. C.J. Vires, Rachel Salmon, and Keenan Casey for their support and suggestions about site development; Holly Rowsey, A.B. White, and the SoTL working group for their technical and structural advice for the site, as well as suggestions for assessing site effectiveness among FHU students. Thanks also go to the members of 2018 BIB452 New Testament World course at FHU. These students expanded their own knowledge of ethics history and culture of the New Testament world in part by helping collect the information used in this site, and by assisting in developing the site aesthetics. These students are Danny Alavi, Tyler Alverson, Forest Antemesaris, Philip Brumback, Grant Fuller, Matthew Higginbotham, Greg Puckett, Jacob Miller, Allison Stewart, and Claire Williams.
Finally, thanks go to World Video Bible School (WVBS) and Doug Garner for permission to use their videos and photographs in this site. For more information about their work, visit www.wvbs.org.